ראשי » מוצרים » Albums » Gospel from Mother Africa
רשימת הקטעים: 13 רצועות מתוך 1 דיסקים
1. Ujesu Uyeza [Jesus Is Coming]
2. Hlanzi Ndlela [Cleanse Your Ways]
3. Liloba Ne Bandelo [Word of the Beginning]
4. Sibemunye Africa
5. Somlandela [We Will Follow]
6. Rea Holeboha [We Thank You]
7. Amazing Grace (In Africa)
8. In My Life
9. Bikelamu (Interlude 3) [The Creation]
10. Ugawulayo [The Disease]
11. Nkosi Sikele
12. Thank You Prayer (Interlude 4)
13. I Am Somebody