ראשי » מוצרים » Albums » Pachakuti: The Overturning of Space-Time
רשימת הקטעים: 14 רצועות מתוך 1 דיסקים
1. Llajta Takiy (Village Song)
2. Willka Mayu (Sacred River)
3. El Tio (The Uncle)
4. Pachakuti (The Overturning of Space-Time)
5. Oh Quillacollo (Dear Quillacollo)
6. Grito del obrero (Worker's Cry)
7. Italaqueno (Men from Italaque)
8. Moreno Devoto
9. Uru Chaka (Bridge of the Urus)
10. Jardin Secreto (Secret Garden)
11. Mallku (Great Condor)
12. Flor Aiquilena (Flower from Aiquile)
13. Wayna Sikuri (Young Siku Player)
14. Mosoj Punchay (New Day)