1. Folie Musette (Valse) - Yvette Horner
2. Musette Treasury - Benoit Nortier
3. Waltz Nîmoise - Jeremiah Buirette
4. From waltzing Our Souvenirs - Benoit Nortier
5. La Valse From Boston - Mickaël Vigneau
6. Balocharde (Valse) - Joss Baselli
7. Les Copains Du Musette (Valse) - Mauritius Larcange
8. Jeannot Musette (Valse) - Jacky Noguez
9. And if we waltzed - Olivier Selac
10. Polka S'amuse - Mickael Richard
11. La Chanson Du St-Lagiron - Eric Porter
12. Odette (Valse) - Edouard Duleu
13. Boulevard Musette - Jerome Richard, Olivier Selac
14. Before the waltzers - Claude Caron
15. On Poker as (Waltz Bop) - Marcel Azzola
16. Rio De La Plage - Claude Caron, Jeremiah Buirette
17. From Fox In Here - Benjamin Durafour
18. Dance Online - Jerome Richard
19. Madison Bourguignon - Benjamin Durafour
20. Chacha It's For You - Benoit Nortier
1. The Rise of Matador - Claude Caron
2. Paso De La Belle Spanish - Jerome Richard
3. Marche Des Landes - Mickael Richard
4. The Tarantella D'Ajaccio - Benjamin Durafour
5. Les Amants De Provence - Claude Caron
6. Before The SPAIN - Benoit Nortier
7. Come Au Bal Tango - Benjamin Durafour
8. Chach'attitude - Jeremiah Buirette
9. Under The Sun From Baion - Benoit Nortier
10. Fiesta Nîmoise - Claude Caron
11. Le P'tit Bal Saturday Night - Jo Privat
12. Bal Au Pays Des Chtis - Claude Caron
13. Granny Dancing Java - Jerome Richard
14. White Roses (Les) - Leon Raiter
15. Fair Near You - Mickael Vigneau
16. The Tarantella Milanese - Claude Caron, Jeremiah Buirette
17. Sombreros And Mantilles - Jean Vaissade
18. On The Road Of Cariocas - Jerome Richard
19. In Spain Paso - Mickael Vigneau
20. Valse Chinoise - Maurice Alexander
1. Walk The Smiths - Yvette Horner
2. Novelty Fox - Jeremiah Buirette
3. From the Boston Tea Dancing - Mickael Richard
4. Pistonnette - Maurice Larcange
5. So Foxy - Jeremiah Buirette
6. La Marseillaise (Fox Swing) - Jo Privat
7. Madison Avenue - Jerome Richard
8. of Avignon - Joss Baselli
9. Ensure the Grain - Louis Corchia
10. Vive Le Fox Trot - Mickael Richard
11. Mika Madison - Jerome Richard
12. Swing Charleston (Fox Swing) - Jo Privat
13. Sous Le Ciel De Madison - Mickael Vigneau
14. The Tarantella Du Dancing - Mickael Richard
15. Concorde Supersonic (Valse) - Edouard Duleu
16. Blow Of Poker - Mickael Richard
17. In The Heat Of Tango - Mickael Vigneau
18. Star Des Neiges - Louis LEDRICH
19. A Napoli Rome - Olivier Selac
20. The Sky, The Sun And The Sea - Delphine Lemoine
1. Tri Martolod - André Blot
2. Cessonnaise - Etienne Grandjean
3. Le Cheval De Plougouln - Avel Mor
4. Type in La Ronde! (Suite Round ... - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
5. Round Three - Etienne Grandjean
6. Marche Du Pays (Marche Du Pays De Redon) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
7. Mangeuses Earrings - Etienne Grandjean
8. De La Gavotte Kernitron - Avel Mor
9. Ferron Francis P'tit Bout (Polkas) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
10. Le Moulin De La Rive - Avel Mor
11. Cross, Swing (De Rode Ploeu & For ... - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
12. Rue Des Flots - Etienne Grandjean
13. Kenavo - André Blot
14. Belle De Pluvigner (Walking Pluvigner) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
15. Paimpolaise - André Blot
16. Three Dogs Currents - Etienne Grandjean
17. What Am I Not Do The Fern - André Blot
18. Around The Canton (Tours) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
19. Mr. Manceau / Polka From Muret - Etienne Grandjean
20. De Mare Michao - André Blot
1. Haunt Drou (Haunt Drou) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
2. Breizh Ma Bro - André Blot
3. Fine Habits And The Fine Crafts (A ... - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
4. Douron - Avel Mor
5. Dance A La Mode Languidic - Etienne Grandjean
6. Rondo A La Bretonne - André Blot
7. Six Time To cheer - Etienne Grandjean
8. Following South Armoricaine - André Blot
9. Napoleon and Josephine (batteries Menus) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
10. Circassian Circle - André Blot
11. Toads Wrinkled (wrinkled Six Time) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
12. An Dro Nevez - André Blot
13. Andro Lenigo - Etienne Grandjean
14. The Irish Ballad - André Blot
15. Evit Mont D'Iliz year - Etienne Grandjean
16. An Dro Ble - Avel Mor
17. Change Scottish - André Blot
18. From Mazurkas Clair (Mazurkas) - Etienne Grandjean, Pierrick Lemou
19. Walking Kadoudal - Avel Mor
20. Christmas At Sea - André Blot