ENIGMA - Love Sensuality Devotion: Greatest Hits & Remixes (2CD)

Love Sensuality Devotion: Greatest Hits & Remixes (2CD)

שנה: 2016
סגנון:  מוסיקת עולם מוסיקה אלקטרונית house world beat ניו אייג'
פורמט:  CD (דיסק)


1. The Landing
2. Turn Around
3. Gravity of Love
4. T.N.T. For the Brain
5. Modern Crusaders
6. Shadows in Silence
7. Return to Innocence
8. I Love You ... I'll Kill You
9. Principles of Lust
10. Sadeness
11. Silence Must Be Heard
12. Smell of Desire
13. Mea Culpa
14. Push the Limits
15. Beyond the Invisible
16. Age of Loneliness
17. Morphing Thru Time
18. The Cross of Changes

1. (Turn Around (Northern Lights Club Mix
2. (Age of Loneliness (Enigmatic Club Mix
3. (Push the Limits (ATB Remix
4. (Gravity of Love (Judgement Day Club Mix
5. (Return to Innocence (380 Midnight Mix
6. (Sadeness (Part 1) [Violent U.S. Remix
7. (Principles of Lust (Everlasting Lust Mix
8. (Mea Culpa (Fading Shades Mix
9. (T.N.T. For the Brain (Midnight Man Mix

פרטי מוצר

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