BILL HALEY AND HIS COMETS - Rock Around The Clock: Singles 1953-1962 (4CD)

Rock Around The Clock: Singles 1953-1962 (4CD)

ืฉื ื”: 2015
ืกื’ื ื•ืŸ:  ืื•ืœื“ื™ื– ืจื•ืง ืื ื“ ืจื•ืœ
ืคื•ืจืžื˜:  CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)

CD 1

1: Stop beatin' round the mulberry bush
2: Real rock drive
3: Crazy man, crazy
4: Whatcha gonna do
5: Pat-a-cake
6: Fractured
7: Live it up
8: Farewell-so long- goodbye
9: I'll be true
10: Ten little indians
11: Chattanooga choo choo
12: Straight jacket
13: (Thirteen women (and only one man in town
14: we're gonna) rock around the clock)
15: Shake rattle and roll
16: Abc boogie
17: Dim, dim the lights
18: Happy baby
19: Yes indeed
20: Mambo rock
21: Birth of the boogie
22: Razzle dazzle
23: Two hound dogs

CD 2
1: Burn that candle
2: Rock-a-beatin' boogie
3: See you later alligator
4: (The paper boy (on main street usa
5: The saints rock 'n' roll
6: R-o-c-k
7: Hot dog buddy buddy
8: Rockin' thru the rye
9: Rip it up
10: (Teenagers mother (are you right
11: Rudy's rock
12: Blue comet blues
13: Don't knock the rock
14: Choo choo ch' boogie
15: Forty cups of coffee
16: Hook, line and sinker
17: you hit the wrong note) billy goat)
18: Rockin' rollin' rover
19: The dipsy doodle
20: Miss you
21: Rock the joint
22: How many
23: Mary mary lou
24: It's a sin

CD 3
1: Skinny minnie
2: Sway with me
3: Lean jean
4: Don't nobody move
5: (Chiquita linda (un poquito de tu amor
6: !Whoa mabel
7: Corrine corrina
8: B. b. betty
9: I got a woman
10: Charmaine
11: now and then) there's a fool such as i)
12: Where'd you go last night
13: Shaky
14: Caldonia
15: Joey's song
16: Ooh! look 'a' there, ain't she pretty
17: Skokiaan
18: Puerto rican peddler
19: Music, music, music
20: Strictly instrumental
21: Candy kisses
22: Tamiami
23: Hawk
24: Chick safari
25: So right tonight

CD 4
1: Let the good times roll, creole
2: Rock around the clock
3: Shake rattle and roll
4: Honky tonk
5: Flip flop fly
6: Riviera
7: War paint
8: Twist espanol
9: (Tren nocturno (night train
10: Florida twist
11: Negra consentida
12: Spanish twist
13: My kind of woman
14: Caravan twist
15: Actopan twist
16: La paloma
17: Silbando y caminando
18: Tampico twist
19: Martha

ืคืจื˜ื™ ืžื•ืฆืจ

  • ืชืืจื™ืš ื™ืฆื™ืื”:01/11/2015
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  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืคืฆื” ื‘ืืจืฅ:Special Import/ ื™ื‘ื•ื ืžื™ื•ื—ื“
  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ืชืงืœื™ื˜ื™ื ื‘ื—ื•"ืœ:Real Gone Music
  • ื‘ืจืงื•ื“:5036408172822
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  • ืคื•ืจืžื˜:CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)
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