ראשי » מוצרים » Albums » Flamenco
רשימת הקטעים: 15 רצועות מתוך 1 דיסקים
1. Tomi
2. Subi Al Cielo (I Feel Like Being in Heaven)
3. Siento (I Feel)
4. Sevillana de las Bragas (Merry Sevillanas)
5. Lluvia y Fuego [Rain and Fire]
6. Samba Sur (Samba from the South)
7. Quien Sera Esa Niña (Who Will This Girl Be?)
8. Puerta de Toledo (The Arch of Toledo)
9. Ay Gitana (Hey, Gypsy Girl)
10. Olvidame (Forget Me)
11. A Sevilla
12. Ani (A Song for the Girl Ani)
13. Noches Morunas (Moorish Nights)
14. Sevillanas Potajeras
15. Arre, Arre (Christmas in Andalusia)