ראשי » מוצרים » Albums » Traditional Songs from Portugal
רשימת הקטעים: 20 רצועות מתוך 1 דיסקים
1. Pavão (The Peacock)
2. Camélias
3. Marujinho (Little Sailor)
4. Estalado (Finger Clicking)
5. Folfadinho
6. Vira de Coimbra (Vira of Coimbra)
7. Coma a Pena (With a Feather)
8. Manuel Tão Lindas Moças!
9. Ó Meninas Brinquem, Brinquem! (Play, Girls, Play!)
10. Bailaricio (The Little Ball)
11. Vira Batido (Stomped Vira)
12. Sou Puquena, Mas Ando Descalca (I Am Small, But I Walk Barefoot)
13. Ó Elvas, Ó Elvas (Elvas Is the Name of a Town)
14. Ciranda (Name of a Device for Fithering Cereals)
15. Verde Gaio (Green Bird)
16. Cana Verde (Green Cane)
17. Vira Espanhol (Spanish Vira)
18. Vira de Eiras (Vira from the Village of Eiras)
19. Farrapeira (The Ragwoman)
20. Và Larouja Ao Ar! (Throw the Orange in the Air!)