BOBBY RYDELL - 7 Classic Albums Plus Singles (4CD)

7 Classic Albums Plus Singles (4CD)

ืฉื ื”: 2017
ืกื’ื ื•ืŸ:  ืื•ืœื“ื™ื– ืจื•ืง ืื ื“ ืจื•ืœ
ืคื•ืจืžื˜:  CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)

CD 1

1: We got love
2: Aint that a shame
3: You're the greatest
4: Home in your arms
5: Teach me tonight
6: Like a baby
7: Kissin' time
8: Because of you
9: Lovin' doll
10: All i want is you
11: You were made for me
12: That's my desire
13: ?What'd i say
14: Saints go marchin in
15: Chemistry
16: Volare
17: Hey good looking
18: Stop foolin, around
19: Do it again
20: Toys
21: An angel is missing
22: I cried for you
23: ?Where is my love
24: The great pretender
25: Please don't be mad
26: Dream age
27: Fatty fatty
28: Happy happy

CD 2
1: Mammy
2: That old black magic
3: All of you
4: Frenesi
5: April showers
6: Everythings coming up roses
7: Rainbow round my shoulder
8: This could be the start of something
9: So rare
10: Wrap your troubles in dreams
11: The birth of the blues
12: Nice work if you can get it
13: A lot of livin to do
14: Sway
15: That old black magic
16: Medleyrock n roll
17: Homesick that's all
18: Old man river
19: Don't be afraid to fall in love
20: Mammy
21: Medley
22: Please don't be mad
23: Makin time
24: For you, for you

CD 3
1: Swingin together
2: You're hits and mine
3: Jingle bell rock
4: Teach me to twist
5: Side by side
6: Jingle bell imitations
7: What are you doing new years eve
8: My baby just cares for me
9: (Voodoo (you remind me of the guy 
10: Walking my baby back home
11: A lot of livin to do
12: Al di la
13: Maria
14: I can't stop loving you
15: Stranger on the shore
16: Lazy river
17: My kind of girl
18: Sealed with a kiss
19: Moon river
20: Around the world
21: Tonight
22: (Roses are red (my love 
23: You'll never tame me
24: I dig girls
25: Wild one
26: Little bitty girl
27: Swinging school

CD 4
1: Twis in' the night away
2: Break it to me gently
3: Dream baby
4: What's your name
5: The one who really loves you
6: I've got bonnie
7: I'll never dance again
8: I know
9: Don't break the heart that loves you
10: Baby its you
11: Soldier boy
12: Hey baby
13: Ding-a - ling
14: Sway
15: Groovy tonight
16: Good time baby
17: Cherie
18: Don't be afraid to fall in love
19: The fish
20: The third house
21: I wanna thank you
22: The door to paradise
23: Lose her
24: Gee it's wonderful
25: The cha cha cha
26: The best man cried

ืคืจื˜ื™ ืžื•ืฆืจ

  • ืชืืจื™ืš ื™ืฆื™ืื”:13/07/2017
  • ืชืืจื™ืš ื™ืฆื™ืื” ืžืงื•ืจื™:
  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืคืฆื” ื‘ืืจืฅ:Special Import/ ื™ื‘ื•ื ืžื™ื•ื—ื“
  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ืชืงืœื™ื˜ื™ื ื‘ื—ื•"ืœ:Real Gone Music
  • ื‘ืจืงื•ื“:5036408191526
  • ืกื’ื ื•ืŸ: ืื•ืœื“ื™ื– ืจื•ืง ืื ื“ ืจื•ืœ
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  • ืคื•ืจืžื˜:CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)
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