ANTHONY NEWLEY - Four Classic Albums Plus Singles (4CD)

Four Classic Albums Plus Singles (4CD)

ืฉื ื”: 2017
ืกื’ื ื•ืŸ:  ืื•ืœื“ื™ื–
ืคื•ืจืžื˜:  CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)

CD 1

1: Who's who /adrift
2: ?Where has tom gone
3: Cold comfort
4: Passacaglia
5: ?Who is it always there
6: Chiromancy
7: New blue
8: Valse anglaise
9: Don't let him know you
10: Sea song
11: Telephone tang
12: I'm the boy you should say yes too
13: Metamorphisms
14: ?Would you let me know
15: Dirge
16: Arthur, son of martha
17: Goodnight
18: C'es pour toi
19: La montague
20: Petite reine

CD 2
1: Gone with the wind
2: Some other spring
3: The trill has gone
4: ?What's good about goodbye
5: Love is a now and then thing
6: When your lover has gone
7: It's the talk of the town
8: I guess i will have to change my plan
9: Speak low
10: This time the dreams on me
11: Ask no questions
12: I get along without you very well
13: Idle rock-a-boogie
14: Idle on parade
15: I've waited so long
16: Sat'day night rock-a-boogie
17: Personality
18: My blue angel
19: Someone to love
20: It's all over

CD 3
1: A.b.c
2: I wanna be rich
3: Typically english
4: Lumbered
5: Gonna build a mountain
6: Glorious russia
7: Maliki
8: Typiache deutsche
9: Nag nag nag
10: All american
11: Once in a lifetime
12: Mumbo jumbo
13: Someone nice like you
14: What kind of fool am i
15: ?Why 
16: Anything you wanna do
17: Do you mind
18: Girls were made to love and kiss
19: (If she should come to you (la montana 
20: Life time of happiness

CD 4
1: Yes ! we have no bananas
2: You're free
3: Ii was never kissed before
4: Drink to me only with thane eyes
5: All or nothing at all
6: Pack up your troubles
7: Pop goes the weasel
8: Who can say
9: Bye bye blackbird
10: I should care i
11: Basin street blues
12: By myself
13: Strawberry fair
14: A boy without a girl
15: And the heavens cried
16: Lonely boy and pretty girl
17: Bee-bom
18: D-darling
19: I'll walk beside you i
20: That noise
21: The little golden clown

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  • ืชืืจื™ืš ื™ืฆื™ืื”:13/07/2017
  • ืชืืจื™ืš ื™ืฆื™ืื” ืžืงื•ืจื™:
  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืคืฆื” ื‘ืืจืฅ:Special Import/ ื™ื‘ื•ื ืžื™ื•ื—ื“
  • ื—ื‘ืจืช ืชืงืœื™ื˜ื™ื ื‘ื—ื•"ืœ:Real Gone Music
  • ื‘ืจืงื•ื“:5036408192127
  • ืกื’ื ื•ืŸ: ืื•ืœื“ื™ื–
  • ืžืกืคืจ ื™ื—ื™ื“ื•ืช (ื‘ืžื•ืฆืจ):4
  • ืคื•ืจืžื˜:CD (ื“ื™ืกืง)
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