HANS ZIMMER - Live In Prague - DVD HANS ZIMMER - Live In Prague - DVD

1 (Driving (driving miss daisy
2 (Discombobulate (sherlock holmes
3 (Zoosters breakout (madagascar
4 Hans zimmer monologue 1
5 (Crimson tide (crimson tide
6 160 (bpm (angels and demons
7 Hans zimmer monologue 2
8 Gladiator: the wheat
9 Gladiator: the battle
10 Gladiator: elysium
11 Gladiator: now we are free
12 Hans zimmer monologue 3
13 (Chevaliers de sangreal (the da vinci code
14 (The lion king: circle of life (prelude
15 (The lion king: king of pride rock (reprise
16 Hans zimmer monologue 4
17 Pirates of the caribbean: captain jack sparrow
18 Pirates of the caribbean: one day
19 Pirates of the caribbean: up is down
20 Pirates of the caribbean: he's a pirate
21 (You're so cool (true romance
22 Hans zimmer monologue 5
23 (Main theme (rain man
24 ?What are you going to do when you're not saving the world
25 (Journey to the line (the thin red line
26 Hans zimmer monologue 6
27 (The electro suite (themes from the amazing spider-man 2
28 ?The dark knight trilogy: why so serious
29 The dark knight trilogy: like a dog chasing cars
30 ?The dark knight trilogy: why do we fall
31 The dark knight trilogy: introduce a little anarchy
32 The dark knight trilogy: the fire rises
33 (Aurora (incl. introduction
34 Interstellar: day one
35 Interstellar: cornfield chase
36 Interstellar: no time for caution
37 Interstellar: stay
38 Inception: half remembered dream
39 Inception: dream is collapsing
40 Inception: mombasa
41 Inception: time

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