1. Truth
2. Stormbending
3. Om
4. Failure
5. By Your Command
6. Gaia
7. Deadhead
1. Canada
2. Bad Devil
3. Higher
4. A Simple Lullaby
5. Deep Peace
1. Seventh Wave
2. Life
3. Night
4. Hide Nowhere
5. Sister
6. 3 .A.M
7. Voices in the Fan
8. Greetings
9. Regulator
10. Funeral
11. Bastard
12. The Death of Music
13. Thing Beyond Things
1. Preamble
2. Truth
3. Stormbending
4. Om
5. Failure
6. By Your Command
7. Gaia
8. Deadhead
9. Canada
10. Bad Devil
11. Higher
12. A Simple Lullaby
13. Deep Peace
14. Seventh Wave
15. Life
16. Night
17. Hide Nowhere
18. Sister
19. 3 .A.M
20. Voices in the Fan
21. Greetings
22. Regulator
23. Funeral
24. Bastard
25. The Death of Music
26. Thing Beyond Things
27. Credits