VARIOUS ARTISTS - Secret Moments - Somewhere Between Earth And Sky

Secret Moments - Somewhere Between Earth And Sky

שנה: 1999
סגנון:  מוסיקת עולם שונות מוסיקה אלקטרונית אוספים ניו אייג'
פורמט:  CD (דיסק)

1. Fisb – A gentlemen’s excuse me
2. (Dulce Pontes – Cancao Dor Mar (Song of the sea
3. Avalone – Feelings
4. Kitaro – Dance of Sarasvati
5. Gandalf featuring White Horse – Somewhere
between Earth and Sky.
6. Meau – She moved through the fair
7. Janus – Agnus Dei 2000
8. Nits – Sketches of Spain
9. (Quinto Imperio – Vagas (das tuas lagrimas
10. Waldeck – Defenceless
11. Denean – Angels calling me
12. Dead Can Dance – Song of the dispossessed
13. (Ceredwen – Cwynfan Pryderi (Pryderi’s Lament
14. Buoy – Home again
15. Smoke City – Underwater Love

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