1 (Ua Vii Te Keee Na Te Hatu (Lord's Message
2 (Mave: Mave (Welcome Rite
3 (E Aha Tenei E Keuu Nei
4 (Taramo 96 (Psalm 96
5 (E Maria Virikine (Folksong to the Virgin
6 (A Nui Te Mahao E (Song to the Virgin
7 U Tu Ae (Magnificat
8 (Himene Itaia (Isaie Canticle
9 Na Ai Tutu Tuetue
10 Teikiumatoto
11 (Haahua 'Eka'eka Tatou (Hymn to Colossians
12 (Hai Atu Tatou E (Ascension
13 (A Hahi Haahua Ekaeka (Easter Praise
14 (Te Pepena (The Creation
15 (Ma Oto O Te Koava Etua (Hymn to the Philippians
16 (O Te A Tenei (Song to the Sacred Heart
17 (Taramo 118 (Psalm 118
18 (Kaoha 'Oe Maria (Song to the Virgin Mary
19 (Te Etua Mana Nui (Hymn to the Church
20 (A Tihe Tatou I Te Mau (Let Us Come to the Feast