רשימת השירים:
דיסק 1
1. Night in masada
2. In the beginning take #2
3. Sigaliot (ramito de violetas)
4. Somebody make me laugh
5. Riding shotgun down the avalance with shawn colvin
6. You dont love me
7. Gluya metsuyeret (painted postcard) with keren tennenbaum and sergio braams
8. Isla mujeres
9. In snow
10. For everyman jackson browne
11. Chileno boys with jackson browne
12. In my heart
13. Time for trains
14. When a man holds a woman
15. Art of losing (one art)with shawn colvin
16. Yihye tov (things will be better) with jackson browne and shawn colvin
דיסק 2
1. Stolen kiss
2. Kmo sheat (como tu)
3. Shir ahava bedui (bedouin love song)
4. Mi nina se fue la mar (banahar shel sevilla)
5. Ze hakol o klum (its all or nothing)
6. Me voy
7. La mujer que yo quiro (haisha sheiti)
8. If you dont kiss me
9. Haifa
10. Mitachat ha shamayim (under the sky)
11. La rumba/que le merece