GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL - Handel: Oratorios - Messiah, Saul / Rene Jacobs (4CD) GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL - Handel: Oratorios - Messiah, Saul / Rene Jacobs (4CD)

Handel: Oratorios - Messiah, Saul / Rene Jacobs (4CD)

שנה: 2008
סגנון:  מוזיקה קלאסית עתיקה
פורמט:  CD (דיסק)

Saul, Oratorio In Three Acts, HWV 53 (London, King's Theatre, 16.01. 1739)

1-1  Symphony. Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro - Andante Larghetto 8:00
1-2  Act One | Scene I | 1. Chorus: How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord (Chorus) 2:37
1-3.1  2. Air: An Infant Raised By Thy Command (Soprano) 2:08
1-3.2  3. Trio: Along The Monster Atheist Strode (Alto, Tenore, Basso)
1-4.1  4. The Youth Inspired By Thee, O Lord (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) 3:55
1-4.2  How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord (Chorus)
1-5.1  Scene II | 6. Recit & 7. Air: He Comes, He Comes! – O God-Like Youth! (Michal) 3:38
1-5.2  8. Recitative: Behold, O King, The Brave, Victorious Youth (Abner, Saul, David)
1-6.1  9. Air: O King, Your Favours With Delight (David) 5:21
1-6.2  10. Recitative: Oh Early Piety! (Jonathan)
1-7.1  11. Air: What Abject Thoughts A Prince Can Have! (Merab) 2:13
1-7.2  12. Recitative: Yet Think, On Whom This Honour You Bestow (Merab)
1-8  13. Air: Birth & Fortune I Despise! (Jonathan) 4:56
1-9.1  14. Go On, Illustrious Pair! (High Priest) 2:45
1-9.2  15. Air: While Yet Thy Tide Of Blood Runs High (High Priest)
1-10.1  16. Recitative: Thou, Merab, First In Birth, First In Honour (Saul, Merab) 3:19
1-10.2  17. Air: My Soul Rejects The Thought With Scorn (Merab)
1-10.3  18. Air: See, With What A Scornful Air (Michal)
1-10.4  19. Air: Ah, Lovely Youth, Wast Thou Designed (Michal)
1-11.1  20. Symphony. Andante Allegro 2:47
1-11.2  21. Recitative: Already See The Daughters Of The Land (Michal)
1-11.3  !Scene III | 22. Chorus: Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King
1-12.1  23. Accompagnato: What Do I Hear? (Saul) 2:17
1-12.2  24. Chorus: David His Ten Thousands Slew
1-12.3  25. Accompagnato: To Him Ten Thousands (Saul)
1-12.4  26. Air: With Rage I Shall Start Burst His Praises To Hear (Saul)
1-13.1  27. Recitative: Imprudent Women! (Jonathan, Michal) 2:58
1-13.2  28. Air: Fell Rage And Black Dispossessed (Michal)
1-14.1  29. Recitative: This But The Smallest Part Of Harmony (High Priest) 2:47
1-14.2  30. Accompagnato: By Thee This Universal Frame (High Priest)
1-15.1  Scene V | 31. Recitative: Racked With Infernal Pains (Abner) 3:51
1-15.2  32. Air: O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless (David)
1-16.1  33. Symphony. Largo 2:14
1-16.2  34. Recitative: 'Tis All In Vain, His Fury Still Continues (Jonathan)
1-17.1  35. Air: A Serpent, In My Bosom Warmed (Saul) 2:22
1-17.2  36. Recitative: Has He Escaped My Rage? (Saul)
1-18  37. Air: Capricious Man (Merab) 3:38
1-19.1  Scene VI | 38. Accompagnato: O Filial Piety! (Jonathan) 3:00
1-19.2  39. Air: No, Cruel Father, No! (Jonathan)
1-20.1  40. Air: O Lord, Whose Providence (High Priest) 3:37
1-20.2  41. Chorus: Preserve Him For The Glory Of Thy Name
1-21  Act Two | Scene I | 42. Chorus: Envy! Eldest Born Of Hell! 2:47
1-22.1  Scene II | 43. Recitative: Ah! Dearest Friend (Jonathan) 2:36
1-22.2  44. Air: But Sooner Jordan's Stream, I Swear (Jonathan)
1-23.1  45. Recitative: Oh Strange Vicissitude! (David, Jonathan) 5:07
1-23.2  46. Air: Such Haughty Beauties Rather Move (David)

2-1.1  47. Recitative: My Father Comes (Jonathan)
2-1.2  Scene III | 48. Recitative: Hast Thou Obeyed My Orders (Saul, Jonathan)
2-2.1  49. Air: Sin Not, O King, Against The Youth (Jonathan) 4:54
2-2.2  50. Air: As Great Jehovah Lives (Saul)
2-2.3  51. Air: From Cities Stormed, And Battles Won (Jonathan)
2-3.1  52. Recitative: Appear, My Friend (Jonathan, Saul) 1:49
2-3.2  53. Air: Your Words, O King, My Loyal Heart (David)
2-3.3  54. Recitative: Yes, He Shall Wed My Daughter! (Saul)
2-4.1  Scene V | 55. Recitative: A Father's Will Has Authorised My Love (Michal) 4:18
2-4.2  56. Duet: O Fairest Of Ten Thousand Fair (Michal, David)
2-4.3  57. Chorus: Is There A Man
2-5  58. Symphony. Largo – Allegro 4:35
2-6.1  Scene VI | 59. Recitative: Thy Father Is As Cruel (David) 1:37
2-6.2  60. Duet: At Persecution I Can Laugh (David, Michal)
2-7.1  Scene VII | 61. Recitative: Whom Dost Thou Seek (Michael, Doeg) 2:14
2-7.2  62. Air: No, No Let The Guilty Tremble (Michal)
2-8.1  63. Recitative: Mean As He Was, He Is My Brother Now (Merab) 3:21
2-8.2  64. Air: Author Of Peace, Who Canst Controul (Merab)
2-9  Scene IX | 65. Symphony. Allegro 1:06
2-10.1  66. Accompagnato: The Time At Length Is Come (Saul) 1:29
2-10.2  67. Recitative: Where Is The Son Of Jesse? (Saul, Jonathan)
2-11  68. Chorus: Oh Fatal Consequence Of Rage 4:46
2-12.1  Act Three | Scene I | Accompagnato: Wretch That I Am (Saul) 3:15
2-12.2  70. Accompagnato: 'Tis Said, Here Lives A Woman (Saul)
2-13.1  Scene II | Recitative: With Me What Would'st Thou (Witch, Saul) 2:50
2-13.2  72. Air: Infernal Spirits (Witch Of Endor)
2-14  Scene III | 73. Accompagnato: Why Hast Thou Forced Me From The Realms Of Peace (Samuel, Saul) 2:42
2-15  74. Symphony. Allegro 0:33
2-16.1  75. Recitative: Whence Comest Thou? (David, Amalekite) 2:52
2-16.2  76. Air: Impious Wretch, Of Race Accurst! (David)
2-17  77. March. Grave 3:03
2-18  Scene V | 78. Chorus: Mourn, Israel 3:27
2-19  79. Air: Oh Let It Not In Gath Be Heard (High Priest) 2:07
2-20  80. Air: From This Unhappy Day (Merab) 2:39
2-21.1  81. Air: Brave Jonathan His Bow Never Drew (David) 2:09
2-21.2  82. Chorus: Eagles Were Not So Swift As They
2-22.1  83. Air: In Sweetest Harmony They Lived! (Michal) 9:06
2-22.2  84. Solo: O Fatal Day! (David And Chorus)
2-22.3  85. Recitative: Ye Men Of Judah, Weep No More! (Abner)
2-23  86. Chorus: Gird On Thy Sword, Thou Man Of Might 5:01

Messiah, An Oratorio HWVAfter Biblical Sources, 1750 Version (conducted By The Composer)

3-1  1. Part I | "Sinfony" 2:59
3-2  2. Accompagnato: Comfort Ye, My People, Saith Your God (Tenor) 2:59
3-3  3. Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor) 3:01
3-4  4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed 2:34
3-5  5. Accompagnato: Thus Saith The Lord (Bass) 1:19
3-6  6. Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming? (Countertenor) 3:50
3-7  7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi 5:23
3-8.1  8. Recitative: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive (Alto) 5:27
3-8.2  9. Air & Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion, Arise (Alto)
3-9  10. Accompagnato: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (Bass) 2:18
3-10  11. Air: The People That Walked In Darkness (Bass) 3:41
3-11  12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born 3:57
3-12.1  13. Sinfonia Pastorale: (Pifa) 4:41
3-12.2  14a. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field (Soprano)
3-123  14b. Accompagnato: And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them (Soprano)
3-12.4  15. Recitative: And The Angel Said Unto Them: Fear Not, For Behold (Soprano)
3-12.5  16. Accompagnato: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel
3-13  17. Chorus: Glory To God In The Highest 2:04
3-14  18. Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion (Soprano 4:33
3-15.1  19. Recitative: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened (Alto) 4:58
3-15.2  20. Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd (Alto & Countertenor)
3-16  21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light 2:20
3-17  22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God 4:24
3-18  23. Air: He Was Despised And Rejected Of Man (Alto) 10:42
3-19  24. Chorus: Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs 1:45
3-20  25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed 1:42
3-21  26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 3:50

4-1  Part II | 27. Accompagnato: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn (Tenor) 0:36
4-2  28. Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him 2:11
4-3  29. Accompagnato: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Tenor) 1:30
4-4  30. Ariso: Behold And See If There Be Any Sorrow (Tenor) 1:21
4-5.1  31. Accompagnato: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living (Soprano) 2:14
4-5.2  32. Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell (Soprano)
4-6  33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates 3:03
4-7  34. Recitative: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time (Tenor) 0:14
4-8  35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him 1:23
4-9  36. Air: Thou Art Gone Up On High (Countertenor) 2:47
4-10  37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The World 1:09
4-11  38. Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them (Countertenor) 2:40
4-12  39. Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands 1:24
4-13  40. Air: Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together (Bass) 2:49
4-14  41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 1:36
4-15.1  42. Recitative: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Shall Laugh Them To Scorn (Tenor) 1:59
4-15.2  43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron (Tenor)
4-16  44. Chorus: Hallelujah! 3:56
4-17  Part III | 45. Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Soprano) 6:02
4-18  46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death 1:57
4-19.1  47. Accompagnato: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery (Bass) 8:36
4-19.2  48. Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)
4-20.1  49. Recitative: Then Shall Be Brought (Alto) 1:16
4-20.2  50. Duet: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? (Alto & Tenor)
4-21  51. But Thanks Be To God Who Giveth Us The Victory 2:02
4-22  52. Air: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? (Countertenor) 4:19
4-23.1  53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain 6:51
4-23.2  54. Chorus: Amen

פרטי מוצר

  • תאריך יציאה:14/10/2008
  • תאריך יציאה מקורי:
  • חברת הפצה בארץ:Special Import/ יבוא מיוחד
  • חברת תקליטים בחו"ל:Harmonia Mundi
  • ברקוד:794881893126
  • סגנון: מוזיקה קלאסית עתיקה
  • מספר יחידות (במוצר):4
  • פורמט:CD (דיסק)
  • פורמט נוסף:
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  • סאונד:
  • איזור:
  • מדינה:
  • קידוד:
  • אורך:
  • יחס מסך:
  • רזולוציה:
  • שחקנים:
  • במאי:
  • מפיק:
  • תוספות מיוחדות:
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הוספת תגובה למוצר

שם מלא:
תגובתך עבור מוצר זה כבר התקבלה
תגובתך נשמרה בהצלחה ותפורסם לאחר אישור המנהל.