ראשי » מוצרים » Albums » Braveheart
רשימת הקטעים: 18 רצועות מתוך 1 דיסקים
1. Main Title
2. A Gift Of A Thistle
3. Wallace Courts Murron
4. The Secret Wedding
5. Attack On Murron
6. Revenge
7. Murron's Burial
8. Making Plans/Gathering The Clans
9. Sons Of Scotland
10. The Battle Of Stirling
11. For The Love Of A Princess
12. Falkirk
13. Betrayal and Desolation
14. Mornay's Dream
15. The Legend Spreads
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life
17. 'Freedom'/The Execution/Bannockburn
18. End Credits